
Objects, 2007

Objekt aus Draht | Isabella Trimmel Objekt aus Draht | Isabella TrimmelObjekt aus Draht | Isabella Trimmel

„Islands Of Utopia“, 2003

Projects | Islands Of Utopia | Isabella Trimmel

Press information about the symposia:

One year long European artists worked on the interdisciplinary project  „islands of utopia“: The landscape became an art area.
From 22 May to 22 June 2003 their works of art were to be seen at different places along the Havel. You can get information on this page about the project of the last year. Additional you can find here some earlier articles.




Dornröschen, Atelier Moogreen, 2003

Projects | Dornroeschen | Isabella Trimmel Projects | Dornroeschen | Isabella Trimmel

Simulation, Illusion, 2000

Frankfurt a.M., Potsdam/ Germany

Are we perceiving our environment only as simulation? Our life – is it only simulated?
The basis of our thoughts and fantasies are the images of the media, second-hand information. Simulation of feeling in the Greek restaurant, in the theme park, during phone sex. Simulation of reality in the virtual worlds of the media.

Real events become a kind of prostitution in the act of pretending. Are even the senses prostituting themselves? The laws of money organise our world, so that architecture, urban development, every-day culture and even nutrition have to follow the laws of money. In order to adapt the necessities of people to this artificial environment a great simulation machine is needed as well as commercial and cultural managements to create artificial needs, to make the simulated reality seem real by irritating the senses.
Why should we deal with simulation?

Text: Michael Kramer, 2000

Projects | Illusion | Isabella Trimmel Projects | Illusion | Isabella Trimmel

Simulation, Illusion, 2000

Imperia, Brescia

Projects | Illusion | Isabella Trimmel Projects | Illusion | Isabella Trimmel